Saturday, September 20, 2008


I live in Vancouver.
I am still more than a little lost in the mix of vibes I chase down Granville street. I finished my 3rd week at Emily Carr. I am feeling grounded in awe, I hope so high for these people. I live with a pastor's family again. I can't believe how God has paved this out. Their 5 kids from ages 2-11 are each so full of different sparking hearts.. DJ, Gabe, Vivian, Tye and Justice all came down last night with their python, so full of stories to tell about their days. The other day they invited me and Joelle to watch their snake eat a mouse. Gabe left a glass of change for me by the door and told me "I don't care about money."
My room mate Joelle hasn't killed me yet and I sort of love the way we can already talk about anything under the same roof. We have sit down dinners and bake muffins. We don't have any of the same classes, but we're in this together... we are very different people, but some important things overlap big time, it's funny how our stories of how we got where we are are similar, even the same: we both know God brought us, we only had to let our heart keep pumping, especially at a chance at art school.
A new church is being planted, I don't know numbers, but most people of Vancouver have never heard about true Grace straight, or at all. Last weekend I took on a sadness, for so many people worth so much, but don't know it. People who go to Chapters and find comfort there, and at the starbucks downstairs. I feel like Vancouver is sleeping, it's peaceful in restlessness here. This world is so short of how we should value human life.. So many desperate causes, and I ask where do I start and end letting myself get broken? 4 days in a row this week, I get told of India, Rwanda, Sudan, and Peru and asked for support.. passing by booths and billboards and protests, for china, for justice and hope, everyday this week as I meet new people I hear new kinds of hunger voices. I'm asking for God to say the word, I can't take on everything. And I'm turning over, for a people who have eyes but don't see themselves, or true substance, so hungry that they can't feel their hearts groan for something more. I ask God not to forget us, and I thank him because so many times this week my heart sank into joy and awe I couldn't hold, because I know he's moving. I want to be a part of it. To just care for people that walk around without life, to be arms and hands, everyone's searching from different places, the spirit of God is so patient, and so eager. I am holding on for my own dear life, that we can seek him and he will be found. And I don't even have to defend God, only search ....... frick, so many things inside that wish to crawl out in song or colour, but only flicker in words......................... does anyone know what I mean?
I'm still painting trees off my mind.
Creative Processes homework: build something to weigh a dragon.