I am blessed. I'm sure of it.
I am listening to Oleaner by Sarah Harmer and my stomach is full of macaroni.
These people hug you so close to their hearts. This morning we had devotions with the pastor and we've been getting in the habit of ending it with hugs. We all are apart from our families, we spent time praying for them, and it really made me appreciate the beautiful creatures I am with now. There will be a time that I won't be with them, but today I am. I like thinking of people as creatures.
I got in to Emily Carr.
I had to re-read the email from my dad more than twice to make sure it was real. It was!
I want to paint a mural or leave something for the church here. On monday morning Otto and Jano (the pastor) is meeting with the head of a school for the disabled to work out a plan for us to meet with them regularily.. Generally I think we'll just be hanging out with them, I might get to do arts and crafts with them and play some games or just talk. Some of these kids won medals in the special Olympics, some of them are are only physically disabled, some mentally, and some both.
Next week Laura, Lisa and I are going to visit the home for women and children with HIV for the first time. Hopefully I can remember how to knit.
I've really enjoyed hanging out at the park this week with the ninos. Yesterday we brought bubbles and I started blowing them with one girl with a pink bike, and then a whole bunch of other kids came. There's something so magical about bubbles, I don't care what it is. They were carried away in the afternoon sunshine and the kids loved chasing them on the breeze.
The two boys I played soccer with last time were there again so we played a game this time, me and Daniel (who I call ronaldo) won, Bernardo was dissapointed I'm sure.
We met a woman in the park named Desenya. She was selling earrings and we were singing, so we talked and invited her to English class and she came both times this week. She always brings her little girl with big brown eyes in her wrinkled school uniform. We want to know and be known in the community, we have been praying this week for God to open up opportunities and really connect with the people he brings within eye sight, that we might bless them. Already tons of things are happening, and I'm so excited to see what is going to grow.
I saw sunflowers again today and bought 2 postcards.
I am reading and writing things like this in my journal which is being filled up fast...:
'God is no respecter of persons, and this is something we are reluctant to face. We would like God's ways to be like our ways, his judgements to be like 'our judgements. It is hard for us to understand that he lavishly gives enormous talents to people we would consider unworthy, that he chooses his artists with as calm a disregard of surface moral qualifications as he chooses his saints.' - madeleine L'engle (walking on water)
I want to read about the life of David. Every day I am reading a Psalm.
one last quote that is newly written in my journal:
"To be a witness does not consist in engaging in propaganda, nor even in stirring people up, but in being a living mystery. It means to live in such a way that one's life would not make sense if God did not exist. " - Cardinal Suhard

I want to write more to you but tonight is a dinner at the church for married couples and I need to go help set up.
So please pray for God to blow us away with divine appointments. We are asking God to teach us how to pray. Spanish is a beautiful language, but there is still one more lovely, and it cannot be foreign. I think about how God spoke light, and the whole world into existence.. it makes me want to be a writer.
I am listening to Oleaner by Sarah Harmer and my stomach is full of macaroni.
These people hug you so close to their hearts. This morning we had devotions with the pastor and we've been getting in the habit of ending it with hugs. We all are apart from our families, we spent time praying for them, and it really made me appreciate the beautiful creatures I am with now. There will be a time that I won't be with them, but today I am. I like thinking of people as creatures.
I got in to Emily Carr.
I had to re-read the email from my dad more than twice to make sure it was real. It was!
I want to paint a mural or leave something for the church here. On monday morning Otto and Jano (the pastor) is meeting with the head of a school for the disabled to work out a plan for us to meet with them regularily.. Generally I think we'll just be hanging out with them, I might get to do arts and crafts with them and play some games or just talk. Some of these kids won medals in the special Olympics, some of them are are only physically disabled, some mentally, and some both.
Next week Laura, Lisa and I are going to visit the home for women and children with HIV for the first time. Hopefully I can remember how to knit.
I've really enjoyed hanging out at the park this week with the ninos. Yesterday we brought bubbles and I started blowing them with one girl with a pink bike, and then a whole bunch of other kids came. There's something so magical about bubbles, I don't care what it is. They were carried away in the afternoon sunshine and the kids loved chasing them on the breeze.
The two boys I played soccer with last time were there again so we played a game this time, me and Daniel (who I call ronaldo) won, Bernardo was dissapointed I'm sure.
We met a woman in the park named Desenya. She was selling earrings and we were singing, so we talked and invited her to English class and she came both times this week. She always brings her little girl with big brown eyes in her wrinkled school uniform. We want to know and be known in the community, we have been praying this week for God to open up opportunities and really connect with the people he brings within eye sight, that we might bless them. Already tons of things are happening, and I'm so excited to see what is going to grow.
I saw sunflowers again today and bought 2 postcards.
I am reading and writing things like this in my journal which is being filled up fast...:
'God is no respecter of persons, and this is something we are reluctant to face. We would like God's ways to be like our ways, his judgements to be like 'our judgements. It is hard for us to understand that he lavishly gives enormous talents to people we would consider unworthy, that he chooses his artists with as calm a disregard of surface moral qualifications as he chooses his saints.' - madeleine L'engle (walking on water)
I want to read about the life of David. Every day I am reading a Psalm.
one last quote that is newly written in my journal:
"To be a witness does not consist in engaging in propaganda, nor even in stirring people up, but in being a living mystery. It means to live in such a way that one's life would not make sense if God did not exist. " - Cardinal Suhard

I want to write more to you but tonight is a dinner at the church for married couples and I need to go help set up.
So please pray for God to blow us away with divine appointments. We are asking God to teach us how to pray. Spanish is a beautiful language, but there is still one more lovely, and it cannot be foreign. I think about how God spoke light, and the whole world into existence.. it makes me want to be a writer.
hey, you don't know me but thats alright I know about you kinda (wow im sorry that probably sounded really creepy) My name is josh and i am amber-lee hamms friend from peg city. i was just surfing form blog to blog and stumbled upon yours. I really liked the quotes. hope your time in Peru is a blast.
bre dahling. oh how i miss you. everytime i read something on your blog or get a little comment from you I am so thankful that you are my friend. you have such a wonderful way of putting things into words. you said you wanted to be a writer...well bre i think you are. i still have that quote on hope in my journal (among all those other crazy quotes) from you and i love it. God is with you and is going to do some amazing things through you. keep seeking His humor and His light. He'll lead you to divine appointments. even though we made fun of your "preaching" i really miss it and I know you were very sincere in what you were saying. you were such an encouragement to me. don't every stop being you, because that is exactly how God created you to be.
let's talk soon.
mucho love,
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