I never saw the day coming that I would think 8:30 was sleeping in.
These last days and weeks have been longer than what time tells us. Last week we started our missionary workout schedule. Otto wants us to be in shape for our trip in May to some towns in Northern Peru, so we all signed up for a month gym membership. wake up at 6:10AM five days a week, walk to the gym, lift weights and do kickboxing with this crazy, angry Peruvian leprochaun man who can't count. If eh's not there, an equally intense woman comes and does step aerobics-- which is actually harder than the kickboxing. So we do that for a botu an hour and a half, and usually fall back into bed if we have time after the 6 of us take a shower.
Afternoon siestas (naps) have been a new part of our routine. I"m really glad we're doing the gym thing though, we'll have more energy and be stronger eventually...
On Palm Sunday I collected palm branches and gave my testimony in Spanish. (Otto translated it for me to read) I was nervous and excited to read the page and a half of mostly foreign words, and I could tell many people really appreciated the effort from us, and I only got my toungue twisted a few times. It's been hard with the language ebcause we can only communicate so much, and so none of these people have known our stories, much of our deep hearts or hurts or what we are proud to say God has written on our lives. We know some of their stories but I wish we could connect deeper, but I know just being around can mean a lot, so that's what I want to do.
I asked God last week what one-word role He wants me to fill here, what/who he wants me to be. I asked this same question with my toes in the sand and the face of a bay staring back at me in Costa Rica a year ago, and the last word I was expecting was 'daughter', but I knwo that's what He said at that time. In Peru, God simply wants me to be a sister. I keep wanting complex answers or missions to do, even just be an 'encourager' or 'peace maker' or something like that, but God requires more than that, and less than that.
I began questioning the idea of sisterhood, and began thinking of Amy, my favourite sister. She is such a beautiful part of my life. I dont know how I came by my family, I guess God picke, and He has belssed me immensely through them.
I'm learning a lot about family it seems, now that I am away from them. I don't want to be a little sister or a big sister, just a sister; who has the key to the deepest way in to belss, that very identity and connection that is already won and fought for. I want to be there for someone. I may not always be reliable, if ever, but I want to be a place of peace, or refreshment. There are those people that you talk with and come away stained and heavy, but I want to be someone who leaves people refreshed, drenching the driest, hidden places that aren't talked about. A valley of new air or a river of blue sky, or shade passing over clenched eyes. Water for the birds to skim over, to reflect light.
As for now, we are all very sunbured and clinging to our Aloe Vera. yesterday was the last day of a 2 night sleepover retreat we had for the youth of the church. We couldn't hide from the sun at the beach, no matter how many times we re-applied our SPF 50.
The retreat was a lot of fun and I think the youth really apprectiated it and won't forget it. For a lot of them this is the longest they've ever spent away from home.
I never thought about this:
Jesus was a carpenter, and he died against heavy wood. With every nail he bent his back over to be hammered, did his hands know they were to be peirced one day.. that his shoulders woudl be dislocated to reach the holes in the cross, so he could stretch out his life to a blind world?
My first tears in Peru slid down my cheeks in view of the torture of Jesus on a white projector screen. It's easter, how can we not think of Jesus' victory by the narrowest path, at least once a year?
I have been learning God can claim victory by the beautiful things, by songs and the softest breeze left behind a strong woman's walk. But He also wins through the ugliest circumstances, even the forgotten ones, even the ones wished to be lost by time.
His is the most humble man I know, to come dependant as a child, and take his first steps on hard ground, to learn our language adn even be accused by our laws. To break bread with us and breathe the same air, and even die from lack of it, yet tear the curtain at the same time. He said "It is finished.' and i'm going to rest on the anchor that holds, even in all these things that crash harder than waves each day.
These last days and weeks have been longer than what time tells us. Last week we started our missionary workout schedule. Otto wants us to be in shape for our trip in May to some towns in Northern Peru, so we all signed up for a month gym membership. wake up at 6:10AM five days a week, walk to the gym, lift weights and do kickboxing with this crazy, angry Peruvian leprochaun man who can't count. If eh's not there, an equally intense woman comes and does step aerobics-- which is actually harder than the kickboxing. So we do that for a botu an hour and a half, and usually fall back into bed if we have time after the 6 of us take a shower.
Afternoon siestas (naps) have been a new part of our routine. I"m really glad we're doing the gym thing though, we'll have more energy and be stronger eventually...
On Palm Sunday I collected palm branches and gave my testimony in Spanish. (Otto translated it for me to read) I was nervous and excited to read the page and a half of mostly foreign words, and I could tell many people really appreciated the effort from us, and I only got my toungue twisted a few times. It's been hard with the language ebcause we can only communicate so much, and so none of these people have known our stories, much of our deep hearts or hurts or what we are proud to say God has written on our lives. We know some of their stories but I wish we could connect deeper, but I know just being around can mean a lot, so that's what I want to do.
I asked God last week what one-word role He wants me to fill here, what/who he wants me to be. I asked this same question with my toes in the sand and the face of a bay staring back at me in Costa Rica a year ago, and the last word I was expecting was 'daughter', but I knwo that's what He said at that time. In Peru, God simply wants me to be a sister. I keep wanting complex answers or missions to do, even just be an 'encourager' or 'peace maker' or something like that, but God requires more than that, and less than that.
I began questioning the idea of sisterhood, and began thinking of Amy, my favourite sister. She is such a beautiful part of my life. I dont know how I came by my family, I guess God picke, and He has belssed me immensely through them.
I'm learning a lot about family it seems, now that I am away from them. I don't want to be a little sister or a big sister, just a sister; who has the key to the deepest way in to belss, that very identity and connection that is already won and fought for. I want to be there for someone. I may not always be reliable, if ever, but I want to be a place of peace, or refreshment. There are those people that you talk with and come away stained and heavy, but I want to be someone who leaves people refreshed, drenching the driest, hidden places that aren't talked about. A valley of new air or a river of blue sky, or shade passing over clenched eyes. Water for the birds to skim over, to reflect light.
As for now, we are all very sunbured and clinging to our Aloe Vera. yesterday was the last day of a 2 night sleepover retreat we had for the youth of the church. We couldn't hide from the sun at the beach, no matter how many times we re-applied our SPF 50.
The retreat was a lot of fun and I think the youth really apprectiated it and won't forget it. For a lot of them this is the longest they've ever spent away from home.
I never thought about this:
Jesus was a carpenter, and he died against heavy wood. With every nail he bent his back over to be hammered, did his hands know they were to be peirced one day.. that his shoulders woudl be dislocated to reach the holes in the cross, so he could stretch out his life to a blind world?
My first tears in Peru slid down my cheeks in view of the torture of Jesus on a white projector screen. It's easter, how can we not think of Jesus' victory by the narrowest path, at least once a year?
I have been learning God can claim victory by the beautiful things, by songs and the softest breeze left behind a strong woman's walk. But He also wins through the ugliest circumstances, even the forgotten ones, even the ones wished to be lost by time.
His is the most humble man I know, to come dependant as a child, and take his first steps on hard ground, to learn our language adn even be accused by our laws. To break bread with us and breathe the same air, and even die from lack of it, yet tear the curtain at the same time. He said "It is finished.' and i'm going to rest on the anchor that holds, even in all these things that crash harder than waves each day.
"So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. what I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered proclaim onthe rooftops. And do not fear those whoi kill the body but cannot kill the soul, Rather fear him who can destry both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."
And I also read and prayed this today with 4 beautiful girls:
And Jesus went throughout all the citites and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep wihtout a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."
Pray for the women and men of Peru.
Bre you are such a writer. Your words are an encouragement to me.
Be the sister that God has called you to be. He will bless you through this, and His name will be glorified.
miss you lots.
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